Monday, December 28, 2015

"It's a String Thing" #124 Tiles

What a wonderfully joy filled Christmastime it is!

This week tanglers in our "It's a String Thing" community have given us a belated Christmas gift as we get to view their beautiful work.

Let's take a look ~

The first tile arrived from smgg (Taiwan) ~
Merry Christmas!

Tangled Tidbits -
*two circles of Eddyper
*highlighted blue background

 From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) ~
Hope your christmas has been blessed! Here is my entry with Eddiper. There is no Flux in it but Tipple showed up and Fescu joined at the end! This time I used my Lamy Fountainpen (which I like very much, mostly for writing though). Thank you for a relaxing challenge!
With the best regards
Tangled Tidbits - 
*scroll of Eddyper repeats on the border
*wonderful shading

From Bhamathi (Bangalore, India) ~
Hope you had a great Christmas!!
I liked Eddyper. I used one of the variation which looks like little White Calla lilies..Thanks for another fun challenge!!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*three rings of Eddyper
*pretty variation of the tangle

From Henrike Bratz ( Germany) ~
My tile for this week’s challenge is just a small Bijou...
Best wishes and wonderful last days in 2016
PS.: The weather in Northern Germany is MUCH to warm for the season – 12 degrees celsius!!!! stormy, rainy .... nothing like “White Christmas” at all!

 Tangled Tidbits -
*detail lines of Eddyper compliment Zinger
*weighted lines and shading

From Karin (Germany) ~
thank you for this Special Christmas-challenge. For me the circle was like a Zendala. It´s amazing how many variations the pattern Eddyper offers. I really like it.
I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Holidays and received many presents in the form of wonderful tiles
Tangled Tidbits -
*an Eddyper center burst
*three variations of the tangle

From Juul (France) ~
Wow Adèle....this was so much fun. I LOVE this tangle!
Thank you so much.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*graceful folds of Eddyper
*lovely shading

From Kate (United Kingdom) ~
Oh dear, I found Eddyper so difficult but found some quiet time this
Boxing Day holiday to tackle it and added some Scrolled Feather - here
is my completed tangle.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a happy, healthy and
peaceful New Year.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*lovely combination of tangles
*detail lines throughout

From Jean Beckstrom (Alabama)~
Challenge: Eddyper plus showgirl added
I scanned my tile before coloring, but the shading does not show up like it does for real. Because of time involved I just colored the eddyper design. That is the first time I have used color. I am not so sure I like it as much. Still learning. Thanks for the challenge. Happy New Year!
Tangled Tidbits -
*very complimentary tangles
*Eddyper circle and more flowing from Showgirl

From Becky Welty (North Carolina) ~
I just learned how to make gems. I had to draw one on a tile. They are so fun to make! Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.
Tangled Tidbits - 
*gorgeous Eddyper ZIA
*Eddyper hearts

From Hilary Merola (Illinois) ~
God Sunday morning and I hope you are enjoying this holiday season!
When I first saw Eddyper, I just fell in love with it and couldn't wait to try it. I guess the feeling wasn't mutual since I never quite mastered it. My first several attempts were all over the place and that was before I tried a circular version. I'm eager to see what the others have managed with this because I really think it's a great pattern.
Thanks so much for your hard work doing this, and I wish you the happiest new year.
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful center burst of Eddyper
*the tangle branches out from the center

From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
In the attachment my ST # 124. It was so nice to do this tile.
Have a blessed and happy end of this year, and all the Love and Creativity for 2016 to you ALL.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Verdigogh entwined Eddyper
*pretty ornaments and coloration

From CZT Lucy Banta (New Jersey) and here on her blog ~
Hope you had a merry Christmas and fun times with your family and friends.
I love the tangle you introduced (to me) this week, Eddyper. So pretty and delicate.
Happy new year!

Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful dimension through shading
*very full and pretty ring of Eddyper

From Donna (Pennsylvania) ~
So great to be back!! This turned into a real celebration with Eddyperl starting the action,zensplosion popping up and others joining the chorus! I'm very grateful to be a part of this community of exceptional people. A quote for all .."Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come," Tennyson.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*a wonderful celebration of tangles, as Donna said
*dark aura makes the center Eddyper pop

From CZT midori (Florida) ~
what an elegant tangle pattern 'eddyper' is! it never ceases to amaze me just how these tangle patterns have been carefully broken down into approachable, mindful strokes. for now, i left enough case, if i ever revisit this tile, i might like to tangle some more. 
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous white space elegantly shaded
*two variations of Eddyper flow in a circular motion

A very warm welcome to ToniLyn Parker-Durr ~
This is my very first Zentangle entry I started learning to tangle only about 6 weeks ago and am very excited to see where I can take it in the future. I love your blog and want to thank you for all the info, advice and connections you share.

Tangled Tidbits -
*two colorful variations of Eddyper
*lovely combination of patterns

And this is my contribution ~
I decided to start with a ribbon and make a wreath shaped Eddyper.  The result was much too light, so I added black perfs, some scrolls, and shading.  The overall look was still much too light.  To add weight, I added aura and a bit more shading.

And now, the tile for honors this week was sent in by
Beth Gaughan from North Carolina ~
Here is my entry for ST 124. My finished tile reminded me of a sheet music wreath I bought in a little shop in town, so I'm enclosing a photo of it for you to see. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tangled Tidbits -
*center burst of Eddyper
*two variations of the tangle
*black spaces anchor the outer layer of Eddyper
*added Tipple that floats off the the edges of the tile
*pretty shading

Congratulations Beth!  I have a little some thing coming in the mail for you.

Many thanks to our contributors this week and to CZT Damy for her beautiful tangle, Eddyper.

Thank you all for your sweet Christmas wishes.  My best to you as you prepare for the New Year.

Stop by tomorrow afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #125!

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